F.A. Engineering Services - ADSP MAR TIRRENO SETT. Livorno

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Framework Agreement for engineering services for maritime and port works pursuant to and for the effects of legislative decree 50/2016 AND SMI


VDP, in JV with Acquatecno e Modimar partners, has adjudicated with ADSP a framework agreement for marine and harbour works, of a maximum amount pairs to € 1.900.000,00, relative to the following activities:

  • Technical and economic feasibility project;
  • Detail design;
  • Final design;
  • specific investigations or significant data acquisition activities, for each project phase;
  • drafting of elaborations relating to the verification of environmental requirement;
  • drafting of environmental impact study for the activation of the environmental impact assessment procedure;
  • integration of the project documentation following specific requests as a result of the approval/verification procedures.

In addition, the object of the performance, which will be activated, is the execution of all activities related to the design, as well as the coordination of safety in the design phase referred to in Legislative Decree no. 81/2008 and further services will be carried out such as: topographical surveys, geognostic surveys, environmental investigations, research sub-services or other activities, however indispensable to the design. Such services will be relative to the necessities of new realization or adaptation of harbour docks or other works or internal infrastructures to the ports of competence. The contracting, the Authority of Harbour System, of the Tyrrhenian Sea Northern, has in management the ports of Livorno, Piombino, Portoferraio, Rio Marina, Cavo and Capraia Island.


Issues related to Minimum Environmental Criteria will be deepened through:

  • methodological report that will illustrate the criteria adopted in the specific project, with explicit reference to the technical annexes (graphics, specifications, economic documents, etc.);
  • a plan for the «end-of-life» phase of the work containing a list of all the materials, building components and prefabricated elements that can subsequently be reused or recycled with their weight in relation to the total weight of the materials used;
  • demolition and recovery plan - in the case of buildings to be demolished;
  • technical report in which the actions planned for environmental impact mitigation in site management (waste management, air quality, noise pollution, etc.) are highlighted.