Noise and Vibration Measurements - ATAC Former - Rome Rome

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Vibrational acoustic impact surveys and measurements, ATAC - Rome


VDP has received assignment from ATAC S.p.A. - Azienda per la Mobilità del Comune di Roma in order to make survey and measures of acoustic and vibrational impact determined by the passage of their own superficial and underground public transport.

The surveys were made in the principal company garages dislocated in the municipal area, both in the internal of residential building near the garages or the underground lines. The surveys of acoustic impact are finalized to verify the compliance with the limit values established by the current legislation for the expose to the noise in the living environments and in the external environments in reference to the class of use of the territory.

The vibrational investigations were finalized for the valuation of the tolerability level of disturbance, as indicated by the current legislation, for the resident of the building in the interested route of public transport service, as well as the possible cause that determinate it.

The vibrational investigation instead were not been done to verify the risk for the integrity of the structure. The assignment assigned was completed trough external activities by inspection and strumental surveys finalized for the emission of an appropriated describing reporting of phenomea misurated and valuated in reference to the current legislation of sector.


The activities executed are of nature technic/operative and they make reference to the main Italian legislation for the noise pollution as the L. 447-1995, il D.P.C.M. 01/03/1991, il D.M.A. 16/03/1998 , il D.P.R. n.142/2004 and for the valuation of the vibration as the legislation UNI9614 e la ISO4866.