Municipality of Latina - Action Plan Comune di Latina

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Action Plan


The work concerns the rieview of the acoustic mapping in the deadline of 30/06/2017, pursuant to art. 3 of Legislative Decree no. 194 of 19/08/2005 “Implementation of Directive 2002/49 EC”, concerning urban agglomerations with a population of more than 100,000 inhabitants, and the drafting of the Action Plan pursuant to art. 4 of the aforementioned D.Lgs. 194 of 19/08/2005.

Lazio Region with Resolution n. 657 of 07/08/2009 defined the municipality of Latina as the competent authority of the agglomeration of Latina, making it part of the urban agglomerations of more than 100,000 inhabitants.
The map is aimed at determining the overall noise exposure due to the presence of various sound sources such as roads, railways, airports, industrial sites, including ports.

The action plans instead report a summary of the acoustic problems encountered on the territory through the updated strategic acoustic map, highlighting the anti-noise mitigation measures already in place or planned in the short, medium, long term, as well as larger-scale planning strategies.
Si è proceduto con l’individuazione delle aree e dei siti acusticamente critici del territorio comunale individuati dalla M.A.S., alla ricognizione dei soggetti competenti per il risanamento e alla definizione di un indice di priorità degli interventi. Ciascuna criticità scaturisce dal superamento dei limiti imposti dalla normativa e dal numero e tipologia dei ricettori esposti. Le criticità sono state individuate dapprima singolarmente, edificio per edificio, poi globalmente, raggruppandole in aree e definendo la priorità relativa ad ogni area.
We proceeded with the identification of the areas and sites acoustically critical of the municipal territory identified by M.A.S., the recognition of the entities responsible for the rehabilitation and the definition of a priority index of the interventions. Each problem arises from the overcoming of the limits imposed by the legislation and the number and type of receptors exposed. The critical issues were first identified individually, building by building, then globally, grouping them into areas and defining the priority related to each area.

Then, possible solution have been searched for the acoustic criticalities that emerged on the territory and attributable to the competence of the Municipal Administration, taking account of recovery activities already planned.


The work has taken into account the current urban planning, the urban traffic plan, the municipal noise classification plan under the law 447/1995, as well as the Acoustic Mapping and Action Plans under the Legislative Decree no. 194/2005 relating to the main infrastructure affecting the municipal territory and, that is, the railway line Rome-Naples (Historical Line) and the state road n.7 Appia.
In support of the software was also carried out a campaign of additional phonometric measurements (50 stations between long-term and short-term surveys) that allowed to calibrate accurately the results of the simulation.
Road infrastructure is the main source of noise, for this reason VDP has been distinguished interventions to defend against noise pollution in reference to areas, punctual, linear and areal.

In the puncutual field, in particular with regard to sensitive receptors, 13 interventions have been planned using noise barriers, 5 interventions by reducing the speed of the vehicular flow, 2 interventions through verification and possible replacement of window frames.

In the linear field, in particular with reference to some municipal roads, a series of interventions have been planned to be applied in a differentiated manner according to the context and the level of abatement to be achieved: spread of a new sound-absorbing draining flooring; reduction of the percentage of heavy vehicles; fluidification of traffic by means of synchronised traffic lights; reduction of the average speed of the vehicular flow.
In the aeral field, in particular in reference to the central area of Latina, Actions are planned across the territory which aim at a balance between a general reduction in traffic (in its private share) and an increase in public and alternative mobility.