Forlì Bypass Road System - S.S. 727 bis Forlì

    Forlì Eastern Bypass Road - 3rd part


    The 3rd part of the project regarding Forlì eastern Bypass Road falls entirely within Forlì municipality and it starts from via Del Guado Bridge on the Montone River with the end situated at the junction with the existing bypass road.
    The work presents an overall extension of 3.62 kilometers, including two junctions, one located in via del Partigiano (km 0 + 690) and the other in via A. Placucci (km 3 + 140).
    The major works envisioned are listed below:

    • Two overpasses, one on via del Partigiano and one on via Placucci, for a total length of about 450 meters;
    • Two bridges, one over Ronco-Vecchiazzano stream and one over Rabbi river, for a total length of about 230 meters;
    • Two artificial tunnels, one situated near Vecchiazzano village and the other in proximity of via dell’Appennnino for a total length of about 765 meters.


    VDP developed the final acoustic study which comprised the following stages:

    • Noise receptor identification along both road sides taking into account all the buildings falling within a range of 250 meters from the infrastructure center line. For sensitive receptors, the distance considered was 500 m.
    • Territory acoustic analysis through measurements made with sound level meters. These data were also necessary for the calibration of the simulation software. The study involved four survey sessions (three weekly continuous measurements and one of short duration employing MAOG sampling technique) along with the counting of heavy and light vehicles and related average transit speed.
    • Acoustic modeling using a specific software able to reconstruct the acoustic climate in various calculation scenarios, calibrated on the basis of the survey results and traffic analysis.

    Considering the Traffic Study elaborated in the design of the work, the calculation scenarios were represented in both numerical and graphical ways. These scenarios concerned the current situation (ante-operam), the project situation (post-operam), both with and without mitigation measures, the evolution of Forlì road system without the project implementation (zero option) and the construction site situation.
    In particular, the mitigation measures were designed in order to decrease the levels exceeding the regulatory limits, considering the current existing typology of noise barriers and the best cost / benefit ratio not only from a purely economic point of view, but also as regards the environmental impact of the work.
    Moreover, for each simulation configuration, the equal-noise maps of the daytime and night-time periods were obtained and included in the report with a 5-dB interval.