- ClientTERNA
- Year 2016
- Sectors Energy Infrastructures
- Services - Pre-Feasibility Studies
- Landscape studies
- Preliminary Archaeological Assessment
- Due diligence and land use plans
Prescreening and Expert Reports regarding the project of the new 132/220 kV transmission substation in Malo (VI)
The project concerns the construction of the new 132/220 kV transmission substation, called “Malo Electrical Substation”, located in the municipality of Malo, in the province of Vicenza and its related overhead connections to the National Transmission Grid, situated both in Malo (VI) and in San Vito di Leguzzano (VI).
The new substation will be built in close proximity to the following existing power lines: the 220 kV “Ala – Vicenza Monteviale”, the 132 kV “Schio - San Pietro Mussolino” and the 132 kV “Schio - Cornedo” and it will be connected to the 132 kV electrical grid.
For what regards the overhead utility poles, the project involves the demolition of 4 supports on the 132 kV line along with the reconstruction of 4 poles (3 on the 132 kV line and 1 on the 220 kV one) and the new construction of 8 poles, 5 on the 132 kV line and 3 on the 220 kV line.
The following studies were conducted in order to design the new transmission line:
- Geological Report;
- Landscape study;
- Archaeological Report;
- Due Diligence concerning the management of excavated soil and rocks;
- Environmental screening.
Because of the presence of areas subjected to national restrictions regarding landscape (as stated in article 142 of Law 431/45), a landscape report was drafted in compliance with the requirements of the 12/12/2005 D.P.C.M.
The preliminary geological study allowed the evaluation of the lithological and geotechnical properties of the zone, in order to determine the geomorphological and hydrogeological feasibility of the structure foundations for both the utility poles and the substation.
An Archaeological Report was developed in order to assess the work potential impacts on the archaeological, historical and artistic heritage of the surrounding territory. This document was drafted on the basis of a specific archeological survey conducted along the line route through a direct on-site analysis, whose aim was to evaluate the archeological value of the small finds and structures already reported in the area by archives, bibliographic research, cartography and toponym examination and aerial photo interpretation. The Archeological Risk of the area was assessed analyzing and correlating all the data gathered during the research.
A document requesting the project exclusion from the screening stage of the Environmental Impact Assessment was prepared following the requirements of the EU guide “Guidance on EIA – Screening (2001)” which provides indications on the screening procedure. Therefore the screening was developed through the implementation of a checklist, aimed at supporting the decision making process and able to assess potential negative impacts.
The checklist took into account all the selection criteria set out in Annex III of the EIA Directive (Annex V to the Part II of Legislative Decree no. 152/2006 and its modifications and additions). All the possible factors that could determine the occurrence of potentially significant environmental impacts were considered during the checklist drafting.