Florence Airport Florence Airport- Peretola

Environmental Impact Study for the Development Plan of Florence Airport "Amerigo Vespucci"


The Development Plan of Florence Airport was aimed at meeting the 2010 expected traffic demand and involved the implementation of the following projects:

  • Definition of the new airside system;
  • Determination of the passenger terminal area and new airside road network;
  • Definition of the new structure of the western area;


The environmental analyses were carried out in the Arno River floodplain which is characterized by a relevant level of human activity due to the presence of wetlands known as “Stagni della piana fiorentina”. This area is a Site of Community Importance (SCI) and as such it was mandatory to perform an Environmental Implication Assessment as the Habitats Directive and Tuscany Legislation require.
The project-environment interactions were also addressed within the “classic” Environmental Impact Study through the determination of specific forms of environmental interference.