- Year 2008-2009
- Sectors Urban Transport
- Services - Execution and Management of Monitoring Activities
- Risk Assessment for workers' health and safety
Technical Support to the Head of the Alta Sorveglianza Tecnica (Technical Monitoring Commission) regarding environmental monitoring and environmental management system of Rome metro C line construction sites
The consultancy involved the evaluation of the Metro C drafted procedure regarding Environmental Monitoring activities. In particular it focused on the following components: surface water, groundwater, soil, atmosphere, vibration, noise and vegetation. The technical support stages are presented below:
1. Assessment of the monitoring activity compliance with the provisions of Environmental Monitoring Projects;
2. Evaluation of the completeness and timing of the Reports;
3. Report evaluation on the basis of the results related to the environmental monitoring surveys comprising of potential analysis and observations regarding the experimental data;
4. Comparison of the measured values with the threshold ones set by technical standards;
5. Support during the identification of the causes behind values out of range;
6. Interface and scientific support in the relationship with the national control institutions comprising of potential meetings with the proponents or the control authorities.
VDP provided a scientific reference service able to represent Roma Metropolitane AST company in the relationship with central and peripheral control institutions and also with the General Contractor (Metro C), even in case of emergency management and critical environmental issues.
In particular, VDP made available several qualified professionals coordinated by a single Project Manager with a specialist based at Roma Metropolitane AST headquarters and occasionally at the construction site.