- ClientS.T.A. Roma
- Year 2002
- Sectors Urban Transport
- Services Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
- Stage of Activity Positive Evaluation - Lazio Region 15/01/2003
Environmental Impact Assessment for the project of the underground Line C, stretch T7, T6CD branch C1
The project of the new metro line C, sector T7, T6CD, C1 branch, is developed within the municipal area of Rome and for the most part through the urban area.
The peculiar aspects of the EIA Study are:
- Analysis of the environmental outcomes of the construction site with particular attention to acoustic and vibration impacts and to decay of air quality due to raising of dust during processing and works;
- Analysis of the vegetation component issues, concerning the removal of plant during the construction phase;
- Analysis of the soil and subsoil component, in particular regarding the interference of the excavations for the construction of tunnels with the stratum. The stratum, especially in the final section of the branch C1, has scarce depth, close to the ground level;
- Analysis of the noise component in relation to impacts during the exercise for overground stretches of the line (T7), on dense urban areas and design of noise mitigation measures;
- Analysis of the landscape component and, in particular, of the relationship of overground stretches of the line (T7), and urban newly formed neighborhood.