Highway Salerno - Reggio Calabria (kms 414-417) Calabria Region

Environmental Impact Study for the upgrading and modernization of - Salerno-Reggio Calabria Highway (kms 414-417)


The modernization concerns the transformation of the existing platform having width of 19.10 m, in a motorway with width of 25.00 meters, and the establishment of route changes whose project involves the almost complete demolition of the existing carriageways. The study proposes an option to the use of “Sfalassa’” viaduct – the highest in Italy.

Analysis of the acoustic impact resulting from the operation of the highway infrastructure; Analysis of Landscape component with particular reference to the study of environmental inclusion of upgrading or new construction artifacts; Design of the green area, designed in their dual role of aesthetic-perceptual redevelopment and the reconstruction of environmental continuity.