Orte – Acoustic Classification Plan Orte - Province of Viterbo (VT)

Final Acoustic Zoning of Orte Municipality


The work involved the implementation of the Municipal Acoustic Classification Plan compliant to the Framework Law 447 of 26/10/1995 and subsequent applying decrees. Moreover the Plan had to follow Lazio Region Guidelines on acoustic pollution and related planning regarding noise rehabilitation of the territory as described in the amendment of regional law no.18 of August 6, 1999. Of course, the context of the Municipality of Orte was taken into account and studied in the survey stage.


The municipality of Orte has about 9,000 inhabitants on a territorial extension of about 70 square kilometers, corresponding to an average population density of almost 130 ab / km2.
Its territory is characterized by the wide Tiber valley in the NW-SE direction which crosses a typically hilly landscape also defined by the confluence of Tiber and Nera rivers.
Orte and Orte-Scalo are mainly comprised in class III, as they present a medium-high population density, along with offices, commercial activities and craft stores.
On the contrary, the buildings and settlements located along Orte Scalo railway station were included in class IV given the higher building density concerning more business and work activities as well as more intense traffic.