- ClientSOGIN S.p.A.
- Year 2012-2015
- Sectors Decommissioning
- Services Execution and Management of Monitoring Activities
- In Partnership with Ambiente s.c.
Air and Water Quality Monitoring – Trino (VC) Nuclear Power Plant
As part of the environmental monitoring required during the decommissioning activities of the Central Trino Vercellese, verification activities of air quality and the quality of surface groundwater have been performed. In order to separate the impact due to the construction activities from that due to pre-existing phenomena, natural and/or human, monitoring ante-operam and monitoring during construction activities have been performed at the same points identified.
The monitoring plan of the atmosphere component provides for 4 time periods, each comprising two steps of monitoring with a duration equal of 15 days, splitted over 24 months. The first two phases of monitoring was aimed at verifying the status of air quality before the opening of the construction sites.
Environmental monitoring of air quality, conducted at five locations, provides detection of NOx, NO2, O3, PM10, deposition of dust (particle size and metals) and weather data. Monitoring of phase 1 showed that the air quality around the site Sogin in Trino in the period of measurement was aligned, although in some cases slightly higher, with the level established by the provincial planning (zoning of municipality of Trino compared to state of air quality-Regional Plan of Conservation and Restoration of Air Quality) and the modeling Harp prepared on a regional scale. In the monitoring phase two, even if done in the summer when there is a higher atmospheric diffusion and a lower content emissivity due to the absence of domestic heating, confirmed what has been shown in the first phase.
Environmental issues covered:
- Air quality data: NOx, NO2, NO, O3, PM10;
- Deposition of dust;
- Weather data;
- Water quality data;
- Cartographic analysis.