A12 Motorway - Pontina Road Connection Between "Roma-Fiumicino" - “Roma-Civitavecchia” junction and Latina Borgo Piave

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Environmental Impact Study regarding the Final Project of A12 (Roma - Civitavecchia) Motorway connection to Rome Pontina road


The interventions are part of the Rome-Latina motorway context which is one of the projects regarding the highway connection of the southern Tyrrhenian Corridor. The project includes a two-lane highway section and three new junctions consisting of split level ramps.
The main objective of the EIS is to reduce the traffic overload along Rome - Fiumicino highway. The analyses on the environmental components were supported by a design phase in order to reach a solution minimizing the impact on the territory.


As part of the Environmental Impact Study the following projects were developed:

• Environmental analysis regarding the construction site impacts;
• Acoustic analysis;
• Transport analysis;
• Fauna and vegetation study;
• Noise barrier design;
• Mitigation interventions and landscape inclusion design.

Environmental analyses allowed an evaluation of the work effects through the use of simulation models for the assessment of air pollutant concentrations and noise levels. The simulations, carried out with CadnaA - Computer Aided Noise Model, regarded both the construction and activity stages. Moreover photo simulations were also implemented taking into account the project and the context characteristics along with potential landscape and environmental mitigations.

Residual impacts, in terms of air emissions, noise, soil and landscape alterations, were addressed through a careful design of mitigation interventions defined according to normative requirements and landscape inclusion procedure.