SEA of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan of Rome Capital Lazio Region

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Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan of Rome Capital


The Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (PUMS) is a strategic plan in order to satisfy the demand for mobility of people and businesses company in the urban and peri-urban area of the Capital, with the aim to improve its quality of life.
The authorization process of the PUMS saw the adoption in the Capitoline Council in March 2019, a phase of participation that ended in May 2019 and the adoption in the Capitoline Assembly in August 2019.
The VDP has been commissioned by Roma Servizi per la Mobilità to set up the activities of VAS and define the contents of the Environmental Report as well as the support for the drafting of the elaborations related to:

• Analysis of environmental aspects in the context of reference;
• Assessment of potential significant effects on the environment;
• Possible measures to reduce or offset adverse effects;
• Indications for PUMS monitoring;
• Assessment of incidence.

VDP also provided assistance during meetings, including in the institutional context. The SEA path was launched in March 2019 with the scoping phase for the consultation of Subjects with Environmental Skills, in July 2019 were published on the BURL documents of SEA (Environmental Report, Annexes and SNT together with the Plan documents) for the start of consultations with the public and in January 2021 ended with Reasoned Opinion of the Competent Authority (Lazio region. Housing Policies Directorate and Spatial, Landscape and Urban Planning. Strategic Environmental Assessment Area).


The methodological approach activities of the SEA and the drafting of the documents (RA, Annex and SNT) were carried out in collaboration with Risorse per Roma, a Roma Capitale company.