Orco’s Valley Aqueduct (TO) Piemonte Region

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EIA Screening Procedure of the Orco’s Valley Aqueduct preliminary design (Integrations)


The aim is to build an aqueduct that could be an additional resource to drinking water.

The new infrastructure supplies the municipal aqueduct systems of the Orco’s Valley and the Canavese’s upper-middle area, which point out a shortage of water supply from local sources in Turin Province. Furthermore, the project balances the storage and the distribution of drinking water, using a compensation tank in Locana Municipality.

The preliminary design provides for the realization of a new water treatment plant and a feeding water pipe. The length of all the system is about 140 km from Locana to Castellamonte Municipalities and from here the system feeds 47 municipalities (125.000 inhabitants).

The Environmental Preliminary Study is accompanied by cartographic references, a non-technical summary, an excavated rocks and terrain utilization plan and several attachments such as the Transportation Study focused on the construction stage, detailed studies on hydraulic aspects required by the Competent Authority and the Archaeological Evaluation.


SMAT assigned to VDP the review and integration of the Preliminary Study, previously presented to MATTM for EIA screening procedure. The full revision of the study has been presented in August 2018 and published on MATTM website for comments.

In the chapter “Measures to reduce, mitigate and to offset the impacts”, can be found a range of proposed improvements of the project. The improvements are about the track and the executive measures, specifically down the under-river sections, generating a reduction of expected impacts on environmental components.

The Environmental Preliminary Study is essentially a improved version of the previous preliminary plan.