News / Archive 2023

  • 27 December 2023

    Cagliari RO-RO terminal, environmental monitoring VDP
    Cagliari RO-RO terminal, environmental monitoring VDP

    The Authority of Harbour System of the Sea of Sardinia (ADSP) has charged the engineering firm VDP of Rome to execute the activities of environmental monitoring in the ante phases, course and post operam in the within of the intense activities of construction of the new terminal RO-RO of the Port of Cagliari. VDP, in JV with ALS Italia, is already carrying out field activities that concern the monitoring of the ante-operam phase for the measurement, among other things, of parameters related to noise, air quality, surface water and marine ecosystem. The duration of the construction site, and its monitoring, is expected to be 5 years. As pointed out by the sole administrator of VDP in Rome, Engineer Francesco Ventura, the objective is to verify the actual impact of a work under construction and to ensure the correct management of any problems related to the environment that may occur during the various phases of construction.

    Here is the article published on sole24:

  • 06 December 2023

    COP28 UAE - United Nations Climate Change Conference
    COP28 UAE - United Nations Climate Change Conference

    Our CEO and OICE Councillor with responsibility for the environment, Francesco Ventura, took part in the COP28 UAE Expo City Dubai on 3 December, at the Conference ” Renewing territories to support the multi-transition and development of the third millennium” organized by REMTECHEXPO Ferrara Expo and coordinated by Silvia Paparella.

    The intervention of Eng. Francesco Ventura showed the activities of our engineering and architecture companies in the fight against climate change.
    The speakers, all of absolute prestige, brought to the attention of COP28 the issues of the management of natural resources, infrastructure, water, energy as part of a systemic vision.

    Details at the link below:

  • 14 November 2023

    PNRR construction field - ECOMONDO 2023
    PNRR construction  field - ECOMONDO 2023

    Eng. Francesco Ventura, Sole Administrator and Technical Director of VDP Srl, as OICE Adviser responsible for the Environment, participated, as a speaker, at the conference on PNRR in the construction sector at the Ecomondo Event in Rimini.

    The speakers made a first analysis with respect to the level of environmental quality present in the projects of the PNRR. It was a constructive comparison between the different representatives of the sector where the critical points and the opportunities for application of the PNRR.

    Took part in the seminar: Fabrizio Penna ( Head of the United Department’ of Mission for the PNRR of the Ministry of Environment and Energy Security ), Andrea Ferrante ( President of the Special Section of the Superior Council.LL.PP of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport ), Antonello Martino ( Station Management RFI), Errico Stravato ( A.D. of SOGESID ), Fabrizio Capaccioli ( President of G.B.C. Italy) and Silvia Grandi ( D.G.della Direz. Gen. MASE Circular Economy.)

  • 03 Octobre 2023

    VDP - Sapienza Career Day 27 september 2023
    VDP - Sapienza Career Day 27 september 2023

    This year VDP participated at the Sapienza Career Days on September 27th, promoted by Sapienza University of Rome and realized with the organizational support of Cesop; an event that allowed us to meet and interact with many students, undergraduates and graduates.

    It was really nice to tell them the story of our society and share our experiences: we strongly believe in the abilities of the new generations!


  • 29 September 2023

    VDP took part to Remtech Expo 2023
    VDP took part to Remtech Expo 2023

    Great success also this year for VDP srl in Ferrara Fiere Remtech where we participated as an exhibitor inside the island OICE welcoming and meeting in our stand customers, partners and friends who were presented with the services and the various sectors where we operate.

    In addition, Eng. Francesco Ventura CEO of VDP srl and OICE director with responsibility for the environment, introduced together with Eng. Giorgio Lupoi, OICE president, the interesting debate on the topic of environmental design and new procurement code. They participated in the convention, expressing their point of view, various institutional representatives, contracting stations and designers. Alessandro Zenti, partner and Project Manager of VDP srl, explained some problems related to environmental monitoring plans and the need to codify and standardize their drafting.

  • 06 September 2023


    Also this year, VDP supported the annual survey on the sector of Italian engineering companies. The 2022 balance was presented on July 11 at the OICE Conference entitled “From the PNRR to the Green Deal, passing through the Bridge” in the prestigious venue in the MAXXI Auditorium in Rome.

    The traditional annual appointment with the “OICE-cer Report”, which photographs and comments
    the performance of the sector of the engineering and architecture companies associated with OICE, is placed in a context that is characterized by the particularly positive moment of the construction sector. In fact, there is a strong growth, which requires more and more organized and multidisciplinary structures able both to carry out the traditional activities of engineering and architecture, and to support clients in the management of activities and in the processes of innovation and digitalization.

  • 17 July 2023

    Convegno OICE “Dal PNRR al Green Deal, passando per il Ponte”
    Convegno OICE “Dal PNRR al Green Deal, passando per il Ponte”

    Lo scorso 11 luglio si è svolto il Convegno OICE “Dal PNRR al Green Deal, passando per il Ponte” al seminario sono intervenuti i rappresentanti delle principali società di ingegneria e Stazioni Appaltanti italiane, all’auditorium del Maxxi a Roma.

    il nostro CEO Francesco Ventura (coordinatore Gdl OICE Ambiente), ha preso parte alla tavola rotonda “La sostenibilità ambientale nel nuovo codice appalti: prospettive evolutive” coordinata da Mauro Salerno de “Il Sole 24ore”.

    Al convegno, introdotto dal Presidente OICE Giorgio Lupoi, sono intervenuti, fra gli altri, Pietro Salini (amministratore delegato di Webuild), Patricia Viel Logo del commerciante (ACPV ARCHITECTS), Daria Piccioni (Responsabile Direzione Ingegneria Investimenti RFI), Trifone Altieri (presidente INVIMIT SGR), Massimo Babudri (direttore Servizi al patrimonio Agenzia del Demanio), Marilisa Conte (responsabile engineering & Technical Coordinator di ASPI), Angelica Krystle Donati (consigliera TERNA), Cristiana Colli (responsabile infrastrutture DPM Lead LEANDLEASE), Marco Sangiorgio (amministratore Delegato Giubileo 2025), Andrea Ferrante (dirigente Generale del Consiglio Superiore dei Lavori Pubblici).

    Dopo le relazioni dei Vice Presidenti OICE il convegno si è concluso con un intervento del Vice Presidente del Consiglio e Ministro delle Infrastrutture e Trasporti Matteo Salvini, il quale ha fatto presente che non c’è stato un rallentamento delle gare anzi ha dichiarato che e vi è la speranza di un decollo delle gare a seguito dell’assorbimento del Codice.

  • 03 July 2023


    VDP Srl has participated and sponsored the conference on EFFECTIVENESS AND SUSTAINABILITY OF MEASURES OF MITIGATION OF ROAD TRAFFIC NOISE that was held last June 28 in the Bozzetti room at the headquarters ANAS SpA organized by PIARC - World Road Association.

    The meeting was coordinated by the President of PIARC CT 3.4. Arch. Giovanni Magaró and Prof. Massimo Garai of the University of Bologna presented the results of the specific working group.

    In addition to our Technical Director, Francesco Ventura, with a focus on Sound Mitigation Measures in the road sector, attended the President and the A.D. of ANAS , as well as representatives of the Ministry of Environment and Energy Security, universities, motorway operators and operators.

    Noise mitigation, although a topic that has been under discussion for many years now, continues to be a topical topic of great interest. To date, we have to face new needs that infrastructure managers and all stakeholders must be able to move in a changing context and take advantage of new methods to consider in a broad perspective the effectiveness and sustainability of the new noise attenuation.

  • 17 May 2023

    Webinar in Jakarta "Green and Smart City, Regeneration, Design and New Technologies for a Sustainable Future"
    Webinar in Jakarta

    Francesco Ventura, CEO of VDP and OICE Director with responsibility for the Environment, and Arch. Simona Nebbioso, Proposal Manager of VDP , gave a talk, last 15 May, at the virtual seminar on “Green and Smart Cities, Re-generation, Design, and New Technologies for a Sustainable Future” developing a report on “Smart Cities and Sustainable Mobility, innovation for Economic Growth and Quality of Life in Italy, the offer of the Italian design chain for the new capital of Indonesia, Nusantara”.

    The event organized by ICE Jakarta (Indonesia) with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation was an opportunity to illustrate the Italian vision on the creation of the smart city. The initiative, sponsored by the same OICE, will sponsor the candidacy of Rome Expo 2030.

    Participated Italians and Indonesians specialists in engineering, architecture and design.

  • 27 April 2023


    Francesco Ventura, our CEO, attended the bilateral conference on the reconstruction of Ukraine that was held at the Palazzo dei Congressi in Rome on April 26.

    The meeting was attended by the leaders of the main Italian and Ukrainian private and public companies.

    There have been institutional interventions in which, among other, the President of the Council, Giorgia Meloni, the two Vice Presidents of the Council Antonio Tajani and Matteo Salvini and ministers Giancarlo Giorgetti and Adolfo Urso while for Ukraine Prime Minister Denys Shmyhale and Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Infrastructure Oleksandr Kubrakov.

    In addition, it should be noted that already in 1994 VDP Srl was present in Ukraine with the study concerning the project of environmental technical and economic feasibility of the motorway from Kiev to the western border with Hungary (study financed by the EBRD).

    In the near future we will be happy to support Ukraine in its reconstruction together with other Italian engineering companies.

  • 17 April 2023

    EnergyMed Conference
    EnergyMed Conference

    Our CEO, Francesco Ventura, participated last April 1st in Naples, as OICE Councillor with responsibility for the Environment, at the Energymed Conference ” Reclamation, waste management and regeneration in the era of ecological transition and PNRR”. It was certainly a moment of confrontation between institutions, research bodies, companies, designers and stakeholders on the issues related to the upcoming deadlines of the PNRR and the new Code of Public Contracts.

    Participated, among others, the Vice President of the Chamber Sergio Costa, the Head of the Department of the Ministry of Environment and Energy Security Laura D’ Aprile, the Single Government Commissioner on illegal landfills Gen. Giuseppe Vadala’, the Commissioner delegate for the ‘emergency landslide and reconstruction of Ischia Giovanni Legnini, l’ A.D. of REMTECHEXPO Ferrara Expo Silvia Paparella and the President of Camera Forense Environmental Cinzia Pasquale.

  • 13 March 2023

    Also this year, VDP supports the webinar of the 6th edition. OICE Tender Report BIM 2022.
    Also this year, VDP supports the webinar of the 6th edition. OICE Tender Report BIM 2022.

    VDP, also this year, has supported the interesting webinar of March 9 for the presentation of the 6th OICE Report on BIM 2022 and digitalization. The event was introduced by OICE president Giorgio Lupoi and moderated by director Andrea Mascolini.
    During the webinar, with the presence of executives Anas, RFI and Agenzia del Demanio, was underlined the importance of BIM in the tender documents and the growth it is having in recent years: in 2022 the calls in which reference was made to BIM were 1,003, while in 2021 534. The acceleration is due to the total trend of the question on the push of the participations of the PNRR.