News / Archive 2020

  • 04 November 2020

    Reinventing Cities Tender, Ex Mira Lanza
    Reinventing Cities Tender, Ex Mira Lanza

    VDP Srl in partnership with SPSK, The Hub Roma Srl. StudioSilva Srl Studio Valla, Arch.Paola Altamura, has been shortlisted to the second step of Reinventing Cities call, promoted by the world capital network ‘C40’, to submit own proposal.

    In the capital one of the area identified to participate to the recovery plan of the spaces is the Ex Mira Lanza, Marconi district, in Rome. Our Aim is to realize urban regeneration project with a focus on environmental sustainability to recover the abandoned areas encouraging a redevelopment of the area through new ways of living places in an alliance between public and private.

    This project will be an opportunity to deal with future models of transformation with other cities of the world.

  • 27 May 2020

    Eastern Waterfront of Genoa
    Eastern Waterfront of Genoa

    VDP Srl contributes to the development of the new “Eastern Waterfront” in Genoa.
    The project, donated to Liguria Region, the Municipality of Genoa and the Port Authority by Renzo Piano Building Workshop, is part of the operational urban planning project to implement the general redevelopment of the port area and improve the relationship between the city and the sea.
    VDP will take care of the preparation of the documents for the Environmental Impact Assessment, and the related assistance to the competent Authorities, in the context of the construction of a navigable urban canal parallel to the coast and extended from the Old Port to the mouth of the Bisagno.

  • 22 May 2020

    VDP member of ASviS
    VDP member of ASviS

    VDP Srl has joined ASviS - Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development as an associate.
    A recognition of our attention to the principles of 2030 Agenda for sustainable development and the related 17 Sustainable Development Goals - SDGs.

    ASviS was created to raise awareness of the importance of the 2030 Agenda in Italian society, economic players and institutions and to mobilize them in order to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. The Alliance currently brings together over 270 of the most important institutions and networks of Italian civil society.

  • 05 May 2020


    Il 28 aprile l’Ing. Ventura ha partecipato con un intervento, come referente OICE, alla seconda giornata del webinar RESTART IN GREEN FORUM E THINK GREEN sul tema dei DIALOGHI TRA DIRITTO E MODELLI DI GOVERNANCE, organizzato da RemTech Expo e CFA.

    Si è discusso della semplificazione normativa e la legislazione di emergenza nell’attuale scenario di allarme sanitario: l’Ing. Ventura ha portato all’attenzione dei partecipanti le proposte per la “Fase 2″ e la gestione della sicurezza nel cantieri” che OICE ACADEMY ha presentato a Governo, Parlamento, Task force Colao, ANAC e Istituto Superiore per la sanità.

    Qui il link per rivedere l’evento che è stato organizzato su 4 giorni dal 27 al 30 aprile e che ha avuto fra i relatori il Sottosegretario Ministero dell’Ambiente Morassut, il Direttore Scientifico dell’Ospedale Spallanzani Ippolito, il Virologo e Docente dell’Università Milano Pregliasco, il Direttore Generale ISPRA Bratti.

  • 06 April 2020

    New assignment for VDP for the development of the new Turin Lyon railway line
    New assignment for VDP for the development of the new Turin Lyon railway line

    After the environmental monitoring activities carried out from 2012 to 2018 in Chiomonte for the Tunnel Maddalena, VDP Srl continues its commitment on the project of the High Speed Turin-Lyon railway line with the Works Supervision (environmental part) for the construction of the Niches of Tunnel Maddalena. The assignment will be developed by VDP together with the colleagues of Pini Swiss Engineers SA and Pini Swiss Engineers Srl.