News / Latest News

  • 19 November 2024

    L'Ing. Ventura al COP29 di Baku
    L'Ing. Ventura al COP29 di Baku

    Il nostro CEO e Consigliere OICE con delega all’ambiente, Francesco Ventura, ha partecipato lo scorso 18 novembre, nell’ambito del COP29 a Baku - Azerbaijan, al Convegno “Città e territori. Riprogettare e Rigenerare i tessuti urbani nel terzo millennio” organizzato dal Ministero dell’Ambiente e Sicurezza Energetica e da REMTECHEXPO Ferrara Expo.

    I relatori, tutti di assoluto prestigio, hanno portato all’attenzione del COP29 i temi della gestione delle risorse naturali, delle infrastrutture, delle acque, dell’energia nell’ambito di una visione sistemica.

    Ventura ha esposto i nuovi standard progettuali per rispondere ai fenomeni estremi verificatisi nel nostro paese e non solo. Ha sottolineato che, anche adottando tutte le migliori strategie, non è più possibile progettare senza considerare con attenzione il contesto in cui viviamo.

    Di seguito l’intervista a il Sole 24 ore:

    e la recensione de La Stampa:

  • 14 November 2024

    Il nostro A.U. Ventura partecipa al COP29 - BAKU Azerbaijan
    Il nostro  A.U.  Ventura partecipa al COP29 - BAKU Azerbaijan

    Il nostro CEO e Consigliere OICE con delega all’ambiente, Francesco Ventura, partecipa al COP29 UAE Azerbaijan, al Convegno “Città e territori. Riprogettare e rigenerare i tessuti urani nel terzo millennio”  organizzato da REMTECHEXPO Ferrara Expo.

    Di seguito si riporta il programma.


  • 08 November 2024

    Intervento del nostro P.M. Ing. Alessandro Zenti al Convegno AIS a Ecomondo Rimini
    Intervento del nostro P.M. Ing. Alessandro Zenti al Convegno AIS a Ecomondo Rimini

    L’8 novembre l’Ing. Alessandro Zenti, P.M. di VDP, ha partecipato come relatore alla Tavola Rotonda organizzata dall’AIS (Associazione Infrastrutture Sostenibili) alla Fiera di Ecomondo a Rimini sul tema “Monitoraggio Ambientale sui cantieri infrastrutturali”.

    Attualmente, il monitoraggio ambientale è un tema di grande attualità, specialmente in vista dei numerosi cantieri già avviati o in programma in Italia, grazie agli investimenti previsti dal PNRR.

    L’Ing.  Zenti nel suo intervento ha evidenziato l’esperienza trentennale della società nel settore e le criticità incontrate nell’esecuzione dei rilievi ambientali e le possibili soluzioni.

    Inoltre, ha annunciato che VDP ha vinto come capogruppo di un ATI con SITE E ALS Italia uno dei quattro accordi quadro indetti da ANAS per il monitoraggio ambientale delle strade in costruzione e in esercizio nelle regioni Lazio, Campania, Umbria e Molise.

    Di seguito ai microfoni de Il Sole 24 Ore una sintesi dell’intervento dell’Ing. Zenti.

  • 23 September 2024

    VDP presente a Remtech 2024
    VDP presente a Remtech 2024

    Grande successo anche quest’anno per VDP alla Fiera di Ferrara Remtech dove ha partecipato come espositore all’interno dell’isola OICE accogliendo ed incontrando nel suo stand rappresentanti delle istituzioni, stazioni appaltanti, imprese e partner ai quali sono stati illustrati i servizi e i vari settori della società.

    Di seguito le foto del Ministro dell’Ambiente e della Sicurezza Energetica Gilberto Pichetto Fratin e del Sottosegretario alla Presidenza del Consiglio Alessandro Morelli al ns. stand.

    Inoltre, l’Ing. Francesco Ventura, CEO della VDP srl e consigliere OICE con delega all’ambiente, ha coordinato il convegno sul tema “LE SFIDE DELLA SOSTENIBILITA’ AMBIENTALE DOPO IL PNRR E VERSO IL GREEN DEAL”.

    Hanno partecipato al convegno, esprimendo il loro punto di vista rappresentati del MASE, MIT, Regione Lombardia, ANAS, ITALFERR, SOGESID e progettisti OICE.

    Da parte nostra, è intervenuto l’Ing. Filippo Giancola, socio e Direttore Tecnico  con una relazione sugli aspetti dei Piani di Risanamento Acustico legati al PNRR.

    Di seguito si riporta il link all’intervista dell’Ing. Francesco Ventura a Rai News24. 




  • 10 September 2024

    Partecipazione VDP a REMTECHEXPO 2024
    Partecipazione VDP a REMTECHEXPO 2024

    Anche quest’anno VDP srl partecipa come Espositore a REMTECH EXPO presso Ferrara Fiere dal 18 al 20 settembre.

    Inoltre VDP prenderà parte al seminario tematico Le Sfide della sostenibilità ambientale dopo il PNRR e verso il Green Deal.   L’evento si terrà il 19 settembre dalle ore 14.30 alle 18.30 presso la Blu Room

    L’ing. Francesco Ventura introdurrà e coordinerà i lavori in qualità di Consigliere OICE con delega all’ambiente. Inoltre per VDP interverrà anche l’Ing. Filippo Giancola per esprimere il punto di vista dei progettisti sugli argomenti oggetto di dibattito.  

    La partecipazione all’evento è gratuita, di seguito si riporta il programma completo.

    La partecipazione alla manifestazione è gratuita previa registrazione obbligatoria al seguente link: entro il 16.09.2024

    Vi aspettiamo a Ferrara Fiere presso il padiglione 6, stand A8 “Isola OICE”!

  • 04 September 2024

    Dichiarazione del ns. A.U. Ventura sul Decreto CAM Strade
    Dichiarazione del ns. A.U. Ventura sul Decreto CAM Strade

    Di seguito si riportano gli interventi del ns. Amministratore Unico su Il Sole 24 Ore e La Repubblica sul nuovo decreto CAM Strade uscito in gazzetta il 23.08.2024.

    Il sole 24 Ore

    La Repubblica

  • 16 July 2024

    L'Ing. Ventura partecipa al Convegno di metà mandato della Commissione PNRR - PNIEC del MASE all'Università di Napoli
    L'Ing. Ventura partecipa al Convegno di metà mandato della Commissione PNRR - PNIEC del MASE all'Università di Napoli

    Il 16 luglio il ns. Amministratore Unico ha partecipato, come consigliere OICE con delega all’Ambiente, al Convegno sul bilancio di metà mandato della Commissione PNRR - PNIEC del Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Sicurezza Eneregetica organizzato dal Presidente Massimiliano Atelli.

    E’ stato un momento di importante e proficuo confronto fra tutti gli organi del MASE (Ministro, Capo di Gabinetto, DG Valutazioni ambientali, Presidente e referenti dei sottogruppi della Commissione), altre istituzioni, Stazioni Appaltanti, progettisti, associazioni di settore e ambientaliste.

    Dalle tre Tavole Rotonde (infrastrutture, eolico e solare) sono emerse interessanti proposte e prospettive per lo sviluppo dei progetti in accordo con le tempistiche del permitting.

    Di seguito l’intervista a il Sole 24 ore.



  • 20 June 2024

    L 'Ing. Francesco Ventura apre i lavori al Convegno sul Fondo Italiano per il Clima
    L 'Ing. Francesco Ventura apre i lavori al Convegno sul Fondo Italiano per il Clima

    Il 20 maggio il ns. A.U. Francesco Ventura come Consigliere OICE con delega all’Ambiente, ha aperto i lavori del Workshop sul “Fondo Italiano per il Clima” con il Presidente del Comitato per i lavori all’estero Federico Ghella, con il Direttore CDP Cooperazione Internazionale allo Sviluppo Paolo Lombardo e con la referente cooperazione multilaterale della DG AEIF del Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Sicurezza Energetica Giorgia Caropreso.

    Il convegno è stato organizzato da ANCE, Confindustria, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti e OICE.

    Ventura nel suo intervento ha sottolineato quanto l’Associazione sia esposta istituzionalmente sul tema e il settore pronto a fornire servizi di engineering e consultancy alla “rivoluzione in atto” dal punto di vista ambientale e climatico:

    • 4,4 miliardi di cui 200 milioni per attività di assistenza tecnica;
    • Istituito al Mase in collaborazione con il Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale e il Ministero dell’Economia delle Finanze e gestito da CDP, il Fondo Clima finanzia progettualità di grande interesse in ambito climatico;
    • finanziamenti diretti, finanziamenti e garanzie anche alle Multilaterali.

  • 18 June 2024

    Dichiarazione del ns. A.U. Ventura sul D.L. Aree Idonee Rinnovabili a "La Repubblica"
    Dichiarazione del ns. A.U. Ventura sul D.L. Aree Idonee Rinnovabili a

    Di seguito la dichiarazione del nostro Amministratore Unico su La Repubblica sul “Decreto Rinnovabili per Aree idonee ” firmato il 14 giugno dal Ministro dell’Ambiente e della Sicurezza Energetica Gilberto Pichetto Fratin.

  • 16 May 2024

    VDP sponsorizza il libro sul GRAB "Grande Raccordo Anulare delle Biciclette" a Roma
    VDP sponsorizza il libro sul GRAB

    Presentato al MACRO il libro sul GRAB. Il volume è curato dalla professoressa Lucina Caravaggi del Dipartimento di Architettura e Progetto, Sapienza Università di Roma. Il progetto, in fase di pubblicazione, ha visto il sostegno della nostra realtà. Crediamo molto in quest’opera. Si tratta di un vero e proprio esperimento di progettazione partecipata, una sperimentazione estremamente utile e istruttiva.

    Di seguito l’intervista ai nostri microfoni della Dott.ssa  Anna Donati Presidente e A.D. di Roma Servizi per la Mobilità e del nostro A.U. Francesco Ventura. 

  • 29 April 2024

    Intervento dell'Ing. Ventura alla Planet Week - G7 a Torino
    Intervento dell'Ing.  Ventura alla Planet Week - G7 a Torino

    Il nostro Amministratore Unico il 24 aprile ha partecipato a Torino, in qualità di delegato per l’Ambiente di OICE, alla Planet Week un appuntamento in preparazione del G7 Ambiente. E’ stato elaborato un position paper da presentare agli organi decisionali. Un momento di studio, dialogo e confronto che ha visto i protagonisti analizzare e valutare delle proposte concrete e fattive che possano davvero contrastare le numerose sfide del nostro tempo. 

  • 08 April 2024

    Report OICE sulla digitalizzazione e sulle gare BIM
    Report OICE sulla digitalizzazione e sulle gare BIM

    Anche quest’anno abbiamo sponsorizzato il Report OICE sulla digitalizzazione e sulle gare BIM e il relativo convegno che si è tenuto oggi a Roma al Parlamentino del Consiglio Superiore dei LL.PP.

    L’evento dal titolo “La digitalizzazione del settore della progettazione e delle costruzioni: una sfida per le Stazioni Appaltanti e per gli operatori economici “è stato presentato e coordinato dal Presidente e Vicepresidente OICE Giorgio Lupoi e Alfredo Ingletti e da Andrea Dari di Ingegnio.

    Hanno partecipato autorevoli relatori, fra i quali, il Presidente dell’ANAC Giuseppe Busia, il Presidente del Consiglio Sup. LL.PP. Massimo Sessa, il Presidente dell’Ordine degli Ingegneri della Provincia di Roma Massimo Cerri e la Vice Presidente alle OO.PP. dell’Acer Francesca De Sanctis.

  • 20 March 2024

    Porto di Imperia - VDP presente al MIPIM con altri partner
    Porto di Imperia - VDP presente al MIPIM con altri partner

    Il gruppo di progettisti G*AA-Giaquinto Architetti Associati, Studio Vairano e Mediapolis Engineering S.r.l., VDP S.r.l., SINTEL ENGINEERING e IG&P dal 12 al 15 marzo erano presenti al MIPIM di Cannes, evento immobiliare più importante al mondo.

    Hanno promosso il progetto “New Marina” che nasce con lo scopo di dare una nuova e rinnovata identità ad una location di grande importanza per la costa ligure: il Porto di Imperia.

    Grazie alla collaborazione di professionisti di settore come: G*AA-Giaquinto Architetti Associati , Studio Vairano e Mediapolis Engineering S.r.l. per la parte progettuale, VDP Srl per l’urban design, SINTEL ENGINEERING per il mep design e IG&P per lo structural design, l’obbiettivo è quello di riqualificare una nuova realtà urbanistica che genererà un flusso di investimento di circa 80 mln!
    per maggiori informazioni:

  • 19 February 2024

    VAS del Piano Utilizzo degli Arenili (PUA) del Comune di Roma
    VAS del Piano Utilizzo degli Arenili (PUA) del Comune di Roma

    Il PUA è uno strumento di pianificazione e programmazione delle aree demaniali marittime senza valore di strumento urbanistico; la sua finalità principale consiste nel regolamentare la fruizione del bene demaniale per fini turistici, nel quadro e compatibilmente con gli obiettivi di tutela e salvaguardia dell’ambiente costiero fissati dalle norme vigenti.

    Nell’ambito delle attività di VAS, VDP ha curato per Risorse per Roma l’approccio scientifico e metodologico curando l’articolazione del Rapporto Ambientale secondo quanto stabilito dal Testo Unico Ambientale e, in particolare, dell’allegato VI.

    Inoltre, VDP si è occupata anche della valutazione di incidenza ambientale per la presenza del sito della Rete Natura 2000 di Castel Porziano. Attraverso lo Studio di Incidenza è stata valorizzata la positiva sinergia di Castel Porziano con il Piano i cui obiettivi sono volti a tutelare gli elementi naturali e di pregio presenti nell’area.

    Il 16 gennaio 2024 è partita la consultazione pubblica per la VAS del Piano che durerà 45 giorni.

    Nell’ambito della consultazione, per favorire la più ampia partecipazione e conoscenza, l’Assessorato all’Urbanistica di Roma ha organizzato un’assemblea pubblica.

    Al termine della fase di consultazione, recependo le osservazioni dei cittadini e degli altri soggetti interessati, il procedimento di VAS prevede che l’Autorità Competente si esprima sul Piano Piano con un parere motivato, prima dell’approvazione definitiva.

    Di seguito l’intervista dell’Ing. Roberto Coronato Project Manager di VDP. 

  • 13 February 2024

    Intervento dell'Ing. Francesco Ventura, ospite a GeologiTv
    Intervento dell'Ing. Francesco Ventura, ospite a GeologiTv

    Il nostro Amministratore Unico, Francesco Ventura, ospite a GeologiTv per parlare del nuovo Codice appalti, cambiamenti climatici e grandi opere.

    Di seguito l’intervento a GeologiTv (canale televisivo dell’Ordine dei Geologi trasmesso da emittenti locali a diffusione nazionale).

  • 05 February 2024

    Intervento dell' Unico Ing. Francesco Ventura al convegno Kyoto club
    Intervento dell' Unico Ing. Francesco Ventura al convegno Kyoto club

    A margine dell’evento promosso da Kyoto Club su “Energie Rinnovabili” il nostro Amministratore ha rilasciato un’ intervista a Il Sole 24 Ore, sull’eolico off-shore e sulle opportunità che questo può fornire all’annosa questione della crisi climatica che stiamo vivendo.

    Di seguito il link dell’intervista.

  • 29 January 2024

    Set cinematografico nella sede VDP
    Set cinematografico nella sede VDP

    Il 25 gennaio abbiamo avuto il piacere di veder girare nella nostra sede alcune scene dell’opera prima della regista Greta Scarano per il film “Adriatica” con protagonista Matilda De Angelis.

  • 23 January 2024


    E’ stato approvato il progetto definitivo per la riqualificazione e la bonifica ambientale della sede RAI a Viale Mazzini da parte del Committente e dal Provveditorato Opere Pubbliche Lazio con validazione positiva di RINA Check.
    Il raggruppamento per il progetto è costituito dalla capogruppo dBA Group, ACPV Citterio (Antonio Citterio – Patricia Viel), FACES, GSE e Alfa Engineering oltre alla VDP che ha seguito tutti gli aspetti ambientali.
    Attualmente il raggruppamento sta sviluppando la fase della progettazione esecutiva in ambiente BIM.
    Si tratta di un importante intervento di riqualificazione architettonica nella quale saranno introdotti nuovi spazi che accresceranno il comfort dei lavoratori e degli utenti.
    La nuova struttura sarà improntata ai principi innovativi di progettazione bioclimatica, sostenibile e biofilica.
    Le diverse fasi di progettazione sono state guidate dall’obiettivo di ottenere un intervento di elevata qualità, mantenendo un equilibrio ottimale tra benefici e costi globali, manutenzione e gestione.
    La progettazione sarà in linea con la minimizzazione dell’utilizzo di materiali non rinnovabili, promuovendo al massimo il riutilizzo delle risorse naturali e garantendo la massima manutenibilità.
    Con questo progetto si punterà al miglioramento del rendimento energetico, alla durabilità dei materiali e dei componenti, nonché alla compatibilità tecnica ed ambientale dei materiali, nel rispetto dei CAM (Criteri Ambientali Minimi).
    L’intervento di restyling dell’intero edificio, che vedrà anche la riqualificazione della galleria di opere d’arte, arazzi rinascimentali e sculture facenti parte del patrimonio artistico e architettonico Rai, si è basata su approcci progettuali mirati al miglioramento del comfort acustico, illuminotecnico e termico, con l’intento di ottenere le certificazioni LEED e WEEL.

    Di seguito si riporta l’intervento del ns. Direttore Tecnico Ing. Filippo Giancola.

  • 27 December 2023

    Cagliari RO-RO terminal, environmental monitoring VDP
    Cagliari RO-RO terminal, environmental monitoring VDP

    The Authority of Harbour System of the Sea of Sardinia (ADSP) has charged the engineering firm VDP of Rome to execute the activities of environmental monitoring in the ante phases, course and post operam in the within of the intense activities of construction of the new terminal RO-RO of the Port of Cagliari. VDP, in JV with ALS Italia, is already carrying out field activities that concern the monitoring of the ante-operam phase for the measurement, among other things, of parameters related to noise, air quality, surface water and marine ecosystem. The duration of the construction site, and its monitoring, is expected to be 5 years. As pointed out by the sole administrator of VDP in Rome, Engineer Francesco Ventura, the objective is to verify the actual impact of a work under construction and to ensure the correct management of any problems related to the environment that may occur during the various phases of construction.

    Here is the article published on sole24:

  • 06 December 2023

    COP28 UAE - United Nations Climate Change Conference
    COP28 UAE - United Nations Climate Change Conference

    Our CEO and OICE Councillor with responsibility for the environment, Francesco Ventura, took part in the COP28 UAE Expo City Dubai on 3 December, at the Conference ” Renewing territories to support the multi-transition and development of the third millennium” organized by REMTECHEXPO Ferrara Expo and coordinated by Silvia Paparella.

    The intervention of Eng. Francesco Ventura showed the activities of our engineering and architecture companies in the fight against climate change.
    The speakers, all of absolute prestige, brought to the attention of COP28 the issues of the management of natural resources, infrastructure, water, energy as part of a systemic vision.

    Details at the link below:

  • 14 November 2023

    PNRR construction field - ECOMONDO 2023
    PNRR construction  field - ECOMONDO 2023

    Eng. Francesco Ventura, Sole Administrator and Technical Director of VDP Srl, as OICE Adviser responsible for the Environment, participated, as a speaker, at the conference on PNRR in the construction sector at the Ecomondo Event in Rimini.

    The speakers made a first analysis with respect to the level of environmental quality present in the projects of the PNRR. It was a constructive comparison between the different representatives of the sector where the critical points and the opportunities for application of the PNRR.

    Took part in the seminar: Fabrizio Penna ( Head of the United Department’ of Mission for the PNRR of the Ministry of Environment and Energy Security ), Andrea Ferrante ( President of the Special Section of the Superior Council.LL.PP of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport ), Antonello Martino ( Station Management RFI), Errico Stravato ( A.D. of SOGESID ), Fabrizio Capaccioli ( President of G.B.C. Italy) and Silvia Grandi ( D.G.della Direz. Gen. MASE Circular Economy.)

  • 03 Octobre 2023

    VDP - Sapienza Career Day 27 september 2023
    VDP - Sapienza Career Day 27 september 2023

    This year VDP participated at the Sapienza Career Days on September 27th, promoted by Sapienza University of Rome and realized with the organizational support of Cesop; an event that allowed us to meet and interact with many students, undergraduates and graduates.

    It was really nice to tell them the story of our society and share our experiences: we strongly believe in the abilities of the new generations!


  • 29 September 2023

    VDP took part to Remtech Expo 2023
    VDP took part to Remtech Expo 2023

    Great success also this year for VDP srl in Ferrara Fiere Remtech where we participated as an exhibitor inside the island OICE welcoming and meeting in our stand customers, partners and friends who were presented with the services and the various sectors where we operate.

    In addition, Eng. Francesco Ventura CEO of VDP srl and OICE director with responsibility for the environment, introduced together with Eng. Giorgio Lupoi, OICE president, the interesting debate on the topic of environmental design and new procurement code. They participated in the convention, expressing their point of view, various institutional representatives, contracting stations and designers. Alessandro Zenti, partner and Project Manager of VDP srl, explained some problems related to environmental monitoring plans and the need to codify and standardize their drafting.

  • 06 September 2023


    Also this year, VDP supported the annual survey on the sector of Italian engineering companies. The 2022 balance was presented on July 11 at the OICE Conference entitled “From the PNRR to the Green Deal, passing through the Bridge” in the prestigious venue in the MAXXI Auditorium in Rome.

    The traditional annual appointment with the “OICE-cer Report”, which photographs and comments
    the performance of the sector of the engineering and architecture companies associated with OICE, is placed in a context that is characterized by the particularly positive moment of the construction sector. In fact, there is a strong growth, which requires more and more organized and multidisciplinary structures able both to carry out the traditional activities of engineering and architecture, and to support clients in the management of activities and in the processes of innovation and digitalization.

  • 17 July 2023

    Convegno OICE “Dal PNRR al Green Deal, passando per il Ponte”
    Convegno OICE “Dal PNRR al Green Deal, passando per il Ponte”

    Lo scorso 11 luglio si è svolto il Convegno OICE “Dal PNRR al Green Deal, passando per il Ponte” al seminario sono intervenuti i rappresentanti delle principali società di ingegneria e Stazioni Appaltanti italiane, all’auditorium del Maxxi a Roma.

    il nostro CEO Francesco Ventura (coordinatore Gdl OICE Ambiente), ha preso parte alla tavola rotonda “La sostenibilità ambientale nel nuovo codice appalti: prospettive evolutive” coordinata da Mauro Salerno de “Il Sole 24ore”.

    Al convegno, introdotto dal Presidente OICE Giorgio Lupoi, sono intervenuti, fra gli altri, Pietro Salini (amministratore delegato di Webuild), Patricia Viel Logo del commerciante (ACPV ARCHITECTS), Daria Piccioni (Responsabile Direzione Ingegneria Investimenti RFI), Trifone Altieri (presidente INVIMIT SGR), Massimo Babudri (direttore Servizi al patrimonio Agenzia del Demanio), Marilisa Conte (responsabile engineering & Technical Coordinator di ASPI), Angelica Krystle Donati (consigliera TERNA), Cristiana Colli (responsabile infrastrutture DPM Lead LEANDLEASE), Marco Sangiorgio (amministratore Delegato Giubileo 2025), Andrea Ferrante (dirigente Generale del Consiglio Superiore dei Lavori Pubblici).

    Dopo le relazioni dei Vice Presidenti OICE il convegno si è concluso con un intervento del Vice Presidente del Consiglio e Ministro delle Infrastrutture e Trasporti Matteo Salvini, il quale ha fatto presente che non c’è stato un rallentamento delle gare anzi ha dichiarato che e vi è la speranza di un decollo delle gare a seguito dell’assorbimento del Codice.

  • 03 July 2023


    VDP Srl has participated and sponsored the conference on EFFECTIVENESS AND SUSTAINABILITY OF MEASURES OF MITIGATION OF ROAD TRAFFIC NOISE that was held last June 28 in the Bozzetti room at the headquarters ANAS SpA organized by PIARC - World Road Association.

    The meeting was coordinated by the President of PIARC CT 3.4. Arch. Giovanni Magaró and Prof. Massimo Garai of the University of Bologna presented the results of the specific working group.

    In addition to our Technical Director, Francesco Ventura, with a focus on Sound Mitigation Measures in the road sector, attended the President and the A.D. of ANAS , as well as representatives of the Ministry of Environment and Energy Security, universities, motorway operators and operators.

    Noise mitigation, although a topic that has been under discussion for many years now, continues to be a topical topic of great interest. To date, we have to face new needs that infrastructure managers and all stakeholders must be able to move in a changing context and take advantage of new methods to consider in a broad perspective the effectiveness and sustainability of the new noise attenuation.

  • 17 May 2023

    Webinar in Jakarta "Green and Smart City, Regeneration, Design and New Technologies for a Sustainable Future"
    Webinar in Jakarta

    Francesco Ventura, CEO of VDP and OICE Director with responsibility for the Environment, and Arch. Simona Nebbioso, Proposal Manager of VDP , gave a talk, last 15 May, at the virtual seminar on “Green and Smart Cities, Re-generation, Design, and New Technologies for a Sustainable Future” developing a report on “Smart Cities and Sustainable Mobility, innovation for Economic Growth and Quality of Life in Italy, the offer of the Italian design chain for the new capital of Indonesia, Nusantara”.

    The event organized by ICE Jakarta (Indonesia) with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation was an opportunity to illustrate the Italian vision on the creation of the smart city. The initiative, sponsored by the same OICE, will sponsor the candidacy of Rome Expo 2030.

    Participated Italians and Indonesians specialists in engineering, architecture and design.

  • 27 April 2023


    Francesco Ventura, our CEO, attended the bilateral conference on the reconstruction of Ukraine that was held at the Palazzo dei Congressi in Rome on April 26.

    The meeting was attended by the leaders of the main Italian and Ukrainian private and public companies.

    There have been institutional interventions in which, among other, the President of the Council, Giorgia Meloni, the two Vice Presidents of the Council Antonio Tajani and Matteo Salvini and ministers Giancarlo Giorgetti and Adolfo Urso while for Ukraine Prime Minister Denys Shmyhale and Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Infrastructure Oleksandr Kubrakov.

    In addition, it should be noted that already in 1994 VDP Srl was present in Ukraine with the study concerning the project of environmental technical and economic feasibility of the motorway from Kiev to the western border with Hungary (study financed by the EBRD).

    In the near future we will be happy to support Ukraine in its reconstruction together with other Italian engineering companies.

  • 17 April 2023

    EnergyMed Conference
    EnergyMed Conference

    Our CEO, Francesco Ventura, participated last April 1st in Naples, as OICE Councillor with responsibility for the Environment, at the Energymed Conference ” Reclamation, waste management and regeneration in the era of ecological transition and PNRR”. It was certainly a moment of confrontation between institutions, research bodies, companies, designers and stakeholders on the issues related to the upcoming deadlines of the PNRR and the new Code of Public Contracts.

    Participated, among others, the Vice President of the Chamber Sergio Costa, the Head of the Department of the Ministry of Environment and Energy Security Laura D’ Aprile, the Single Government Commissioner on illegal landfills Gen. Giuseppe Vadala’, the Commissioner delegate for the ‘emergency landslide and reconstruction of Ischia Giovanni Legnini, l’ A.D. of REMTECHEXPO Ferrara Expo Silvia Paparella and the President of Camera Forense Environmental Cinzia Pasquale.

  • 13 March 2023

    Also this year, VDP supports the webinar of the 6th edition. OICE Tender Report BIM 2022.
    Also this year, VDP supports the webinar of the 6th edition. OICE Tender Report BIM 2022.

    VDP, also this year, has supported the interesting webinar of March 9 for the presentation of the 6th OICE Report on BIM 2022 and digitalization. The event was introduced by OICE president Giorgio Lupoi and moderated by director Andrea Mascolini.
    During the webinar, with the presence of executives Anas, RFI and Agenzia del Demanio, was underlined the importance of BIM in the tender documents and the growth it is having in recent years: in 2022 the calls in which reference was made to BIM were 1,003, while in 2021 534. The acceleration is due to the total trend of the question on the push of the participations of the PNRR.

  • 28 November 2022


    On 26 November the new M4 line of the City of Milan was opened to the public with the first 6 stops from Linate airport to Dateo station.

    Our CEO, Francesco Ventura, attended the inauguration representing the VDP that has contributed to this great work by performing some studies and investigations on vibrations and noise generated by the new “driverless” trains that will run the Blue Line.

    The importance of this engineering project is essential for the development of the Lombard capital and for the strengthening of its position in Europe.

    The event was attended by, among others, the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport Matteo Salvini, the President of the Lombardy Region Attilio Fontana, the Mayor of Milan Giuseppe Sala, the President of ENAC Pierluigi Di Palma and the CEO of Webuild Pietro Salini.

  • 14 November 2022

    The environmental sustainability of the works - ECOMONDO 2022
    The environmental sustainability of the works -  ECOMONDO 2022

    L’ Eng. Francesco Ventura, CEO of VDP Srl, as OICE Councillor with responsibility for the Environment, took part on 11 November, as speaker, in “The Environmental Sustainability of the works: evaluation processes” conference at the Ecomondo Event in Rimini with a report on “The environmental sustainability of projects”.

    The reports were presented by speakers from the main institutions, the contracting authorities (Terna and Sogin) and designers.

    Below the program:

    Were present among others: Gianluigi Nocco, Director General Environmental Assessments, Massimiliano Atelli, President Commissions CTVA VIA/VAS and PNIEC- PNRR, Ministry of Ecological Transition, Andrea Ferrante, Special Committee - Superior Council of Public Works, Paola Brambilla, CTVA VIA/VAS VIA Subcommittee Coordinator, Anna Cacciuni, VIA Section Manager, ISPRA, Fulvio Bonavitacola, IMGT Commission Coordinator Conference of Autonomous Regions and Provinces - VP Reg. Campania.
    In his contribution Ventura has tried to highlight the role of designers, who are called to request, in the proposers, a responsibility towards the effects determined by the works they create, introducing, with increasing force, the concept of “compensation” of residual effects.

  • 03 Octobre 2022

    VDP took part in Remtech Expo 2022
    VDP took part in Remtech Expo 2022

    Also this year VDP participated as an exhibitor at Remtech Expo 2022: the only permanent international event specializing in the protection and sustainable development of the territory, remediation of contaminated sites, coasts and ports, hydrogeological instability, climate change, seismic risk, urban regeneration and sustainable chemical industry, which took place in Ferrara from 21 to 23 September.

    Excellent outcome of the OICE conference entitled “Transizione Ecologica e PNRR - Riflessioni sull’attuazione e sulle prospettive di sviluppo”, coordinated by Eng. Francesco Ventura OICE Councillor with responsibility for the Environment and Eng. Giorgio Lupoi President of OICE.

    Prof. Massimiliano Atelli, President of the Technical Commission VIA-VAS and of the Commission PNRR-PNIEC near the Mite, Dr. Davide Ciferri, Head of Task Force PNRR at MIMS. In addition, we mention, for their contribution, also the contracting stations that participated with Eng. Francesco Misuraca, Head of Environmental Technical & Site Activities of ENI REWIND, Eng. Enrico Fusco, Head of Engineering Services and Environmental Restoration Project and R. U. Bagnoli INVITALIA, Dr. Carolina Ercolani, Responsible SO Environment Technical Direction of ITALFERR, Arch. Antonello Martino, Head of Engineering and Investment - Station Management RFI and finally Dr. Nicoletta Rivabene, Head of Environmental Policy and Design of TERNA.

    Finally, among the designers we must mention Eng. Alessandro Zenti of VDP, who, together with other colleagues, has provided a very comprehensive overview of the many issues arising from the implementation of the new framework that forms the framework for the activation of the interventions of the Next Generation EU and in particular on the environmental sustainability report and the new criterion of DNSH “Do no significant harm”

  • 30 August 2022

    VDP participates in JV, winning the TD for the historical redevelopment of the RAI headquarters.
    VDP participates in JV, winning the TD for the historical redevelopment of the RAI headquarters.

    VDP is proud to participate in the RTP composed by: ACPV ARCHITECTS Antonio Citterio Patricia Viel, DBA PRO, GSE and FACES awarded the tender for the restyling of the historic Rai headquarters in Viale Mazzini 14, Rome. An important intervention of architectural redevelopment, in the name of ecology, sustainability and biophilia: new spaces will be provided, more comfort for people, innovative technologies and design.

  • 10 June 2022

    CV AT LUNCH - Università degli Studi Roma Tre
    CV AT LUNCH - Università degli Studi Roma Tre

    Last June 7th we participated in the CV AT LUNCH event organized by the Department of Engineering of the University of Roma Tre to encourage the meeting between companies, undergraduates and recent graduates.
    We are really excited to have had the chance to tell the story of our society and share our experiences with students.
    We strongly believe in the abilities of the new generations.


  • 01 June 2022

    Workshop on PNRR - Ordine degli Ingegneri della Provincia di Roma
    Workshop on PNRR - Ordine degli Ingegneri della Provincia di Roma

    On 31 May Eng. Francesco Ventura, CEO of VDP srl, and Eng. Roberto Coronato, PM of VDP srl, attended the seminar of the Order of Engineers of the Province of Rome on the theme ” PNRR and national funding for mobility infrastructure in the metropolitan area of Rome ” with a report on the principle of DNSH (Do No Significant Harm).

    The event was also attended by representatives of MIMS (Ministry of Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility), Roma Capitale, Invitalia, Roma Servizi per la Mobilita and Roma Metropolitane

    The goal that VDP srl wants to achieve, through the experience gained in environmental engineering projects and works, is to make a contribution to improving the state of the environment and protecting environmental resources, according to the logic of sustainability and environmental balance in line with International standards.

  • 23 May 2022

    VDP at ALL-Energy Exhibition and Conference in Glasgow
    VDP at ALL-Energy Exhibition and Conference in Glasgow

    This year VDP, with its stand in the Italian Pavilion organized by OICE and ITA - Italian Trade Agency with the support of the Farnesina along with other Italian Engineering Companies, participated in ALL-Energy Exhibition and Conference in Glasgow.
    L’Eng. Francesco Ventura, CEO of VDP, sat as speaker at the Round Table “Italian Solutions for decarbonized energy plants” presenting the company’s experiences in this innovative sector.

  • 21 March 2022


    Even this year we obtain, after the annual verify of KIWA CERMET, the renewed of ISO 14001:2015, relative to the System of Environmental Management.
    This certification goes with the other ISO in our possession, already renewed: ISO 9001:2015 relative to the quality, ISO 45001:2018 relative to the security on work and ISO 37001:2016 on the anti-corruption.

  • 08 March 2022

    VDP sponsors and supports the webinar of the 5th edition. OICE Race Report BIM 2021
    VDP sponsors and supports the webinar of the 5th edition. OICE Race Report BIM 2021

    VDP has been pleased to sponsor and support the interesting webinar that was held on February 24th through the presentation of the 5th OICE Report on BIM 2021 Tender and digitalization, introduced and moderated by OICE President Gabriele Scicolone.
    During the event, the growth in the years that BIM has had in the TD documents was highlighted.
    Surely in the future there will be more steps ahead to demonstrate how engineering and organized architecture are able to invest in innovation and digitalization.

    Follow the link to download the program

  • 14 December 2021

    Award for the design of new tram lines - Roma Servizi per la Mobilità
    Award for the design of new tram lines - Roma Servizi per la Mobilità

    As for 30 years in this part operating in the sector of Trams, we received the person in charge for the design of technical economic feasibility (PFTE) of the two largest lots of the tender called by Rome Mobility Services: the Lot 4 consists of the Line H Anagnina-Torre Angela and from Linea G from Policlinico di Tor Vergata to Banca d’Italia and Lotto 5 of the Marconi-Appia Antica-Subaugusta tramway; In join venture with the SYSTRA-SOTECNI, SYSTRA SA, ARCHITECNA ENGINEERING S.r.l., GO-Mobility and POLEIS soc. coop.

    In both LOTs VDP will deal with environmental aspects in all the various design phases.

  • 06 December 2021

    CONNEXT 2021 Milan- 2-3 dicember
    CONNEXT 2021 Milan- 2-3 dicember

    Francesco Ventura, Coordinator of the OICE Working Group on Smart Cities and Simona Nebbioso, VDP Proposal Manager, will take part at the National meeting of industrial partnership of Confindustria which will be held on December 2-3 at MiCo Milano Convention Centre – Milan. A unique opportunity for comparison between companies, economic partners and Public Administration.

    Together participated as speakers at the SMART CITIES: Investing in the future program in digitally way on the afternoon of 2 December, “Business Operators’ Role in Boosting Economic Recovery in the Mediterranean”.

    Click the link below to see the program:

  • 15 Octobre 2021


    VDP, together with INC in Turin, won the 188 million ANAS tender for “La variante di Ancona” on the Adriatica main road. The Company (INC) indicated VDP for environmental monitoring activities. The works concern the extension of the state road 16 “Adriatica”: a work waited for about twenty years that will make it easier to reach the regional hospital of Torrette and the city of Ancona, coming from the north coast of Marche. The duration of the work provided for in the tender notice is approximately 3 years.

    For more details on the link below the article:

    Anas, la Inc di Torino conquista la variante di Ancona da 188 milioni sulla statale 16 | NT+ Enti Locali & Edilizia (

  • 06 Octobre 2021

    VDP selected in the OPEN HOUSE ROMA 2021 program - #OHR21
    VDP selected in the OPEN HOUSE ROMA 2021 program - #OHR21

    Also this year our headquarters VDP was included in the program Open House Rome and we welcomed several visitors last October 2 on the day of opening to the public.

    In recent years the project of our headquarters has received numerous international awards:

    - Shortlist in the category Interior in THE PLAN AWARDS 2017
    - Silver Winner at A’DESIGN AWARDS 2017
    - Winner in the Interior category of the IF DESIGN AWARD

    We look forward to see you next year!

  • 07 June 2021


    VDP participated as exhibitor at the DUBAI AIRPORT SHOW, the largest airport event, which was held on May 24 and 26 at the DUBAI trade center. VDP was present with a dedicated stand for networks, brochures and b2b meetings together with other Italian engineering companies. In addition, the Arch. Simona Nebbioso, as speaker, proposal manager of VDP, as speaker, join in the Panel “Innovation Strategy for a New Airport Experience” led by moderator Sunil Malhotra. During the GALF (Global Airport Leaders Forum) conference, the Arch. Simona Nebbioso, presented a report on the importance of sustainability, integrations on modes of transport and technologies in the airport.

    We thank again ITA (Italian Trade Agency), OICE and S.E. Nicola Lener, Italian Ambassador to the United Arab Emirates for this great network opportunity.

    We also thank the other engineering companies present at the stand ITALY: 3TI PROGETTI S.p.A., Artelia Italia, ADR Ingegneria S.p.A., F&M Ingegneria Spa, INTEGRA AES Srl, RINA Consulting, SEINGIM, Technital S.p.A., Youandtech.

  • 17 March 2021

    VDP partner of Master "Esperto Gestione dell'Ambiente"
    VDP partner of Master

    The next 22 April will officially start the Master “Esperto Gestione dell’Ambiente” organized by the Environmental Forensic Chamber in collaboration with Remtech Expo. The Eng. Francesco Ventura will be part of the Scientific Committee together with other experts including Prof. Amedeo Postiglione (President Foundation of European Judges for the Environment), Giuseppe Vadalà (Extraordinary Commissioner of Government for the Reclamation of Landfills
    Abusive), Marco Mari (President Green Building Council Italy), Avv. Cinzia Pasquale, Dott.ssa Silvia Paparella.

    The Master is presented as a training course that constitutes a real opportunity for professional growth and a concrete job opportunity.

    Registration is open until 18 April. The program and the registration methods can be downloaded at the following link:

  • 04 November 2020

    Reinventing Cities Tender, Ex Mira Lanza
    Reinventing Cities Tender, Ex Mira Lanza

    VDP Srl in partnership with SPSK, The Hub Roma Srl. StudioSilva Srl Studio Valla, Arch.Paola Altamura, has been shortlisted to the second step of Reinventing Cities call, promoted by the world capital network ‘C40’, to submit own proposal.

    In the capital one of the area identified to participate to the recovery plan of the spaces is the Ex Mira Lanza, Marconi district, in Rome. Our Aim is to realize urban regeneration project with a focus on environmental sustainability to recover the abandoned areas encouraging a redevelopment of the area through new ways of living places in an alliance between public and private.

    This project will be an opportunity to deal with future models of transformation with other cities of the world.

  • 27 May 2020

    Eastern Waterfront of Genoa
    Eastern Waterfront of Genoa

    VDP Srl contributes to the development of the new “Eastern Waterfront” in Genoa.
    The project, donated to Liguria Region, the Municipality of Genoa and the Port Authority by Renzo Piano Building Workshop, is part of the operational urban planning project to implement the general redevelopment of the port area and improve the relationship between the city and the sea.
    VDP will take care of the preparation of the documents for the Environmental Impact Assessment, and the related assistance to the competent Authorities, in the context of the construction of a navigable urban canal parallel to the coast and extended from the Old Port to the mouth of the Bisagno.

  • 22 May 2020

    VDP member of ASviS
    VDP member of ASviS

    VDP Srl has joined ASviS - Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development as an associate.
    A recognition of our attention to the principles of 2030 Agenda for sustainable development and the related 17 Sustainable Development Goals - SDGs.

    ASviS was created to raise awareness of the importance of the 2030 Agenda in Italian society, economic players and institutions and to mobilize them in order to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. The Alliance currently brings together over 270 of the most important institutions and networks of Italian civil society.

  • 05 May 2020


    Il 28 aprile l’Ing. Ventura ha partecipato con un intervento, come referente OICE, alla seconda giornata del webinar RESTART IN GREEN FORUM E THINK GREEN sul tema dei DIALOGHI TRA DIRITTO E MODELLI DI GOVERNANCE, organizzato da RemTech Expo e CFA.

    Si è discusso della semplificazione normativa e la legislazione di emergenza nell’attuale scenario di allarme sanitario: l’Ing. Ventura ha portato all’attenzione dei partecipanti le proposte per la “Fase 2″ e la gestione della sicurezza nel cantieri” che OICE ACADEMY ha presentato a Governo, Parlamento, Task force Colao, ANAC e Istituto Superiore per la sanità.

    Qui il link per rivedere l’evento che è stato organizzato su 4 giorni dal 27 al 30 aprile e che ha avuto fra i relatori il Sottosegretario Ministero dell’Ambiente Morassut, il Direttore Scientifico dell’Ospedale Spallanzani Ippolito, il Virologo e Docente dell’Università Milano Pregliasco, il Direttore Generale ISPRA Bratti.

  • 06 April 2020

    New assignment for VDP for the development of the new Turin Lyon railway line
    New assignment for VDP for the development of the new Turin Lyon railway line

    After the environmental monitoring activities carried out from 2012 to 2018 in Chiomonte for the Tunnel Maddalena, VDP Srl continues its commitment on the project of the High Speed Turin-Lyon railway line with the Works Supervision (environmental part) for the construction of the Niches of Tunnel Maddalena. The assignment will be developed by VDP together with the colleagues of Pini Swiss Engineers SA and Pini Swiss Engineers Srl.

  • 25 Octobre 2019

    VDP sponsor of the event "Rome on the move"
    VDP sponsor of the event

    VDP sponsored the presentation of the book “Rome on the move: piers to connect disconnected territories” by Prof. Lucina Caravaggi and Orazio Carpenzano (Department of Architecture and Design of University of Roma La Sapienza). The presentation has been attended, among others, by Sen. Francesco Rutelli, Sen. Walter Tocci, the Councilor for Urban Planning of the Municipality of Rome Luca Montuori, Eng. Sara Venturoni Director of Stations for Italian Railway Company.

    The meeting represented an interesting moment for sharing views on the theme of mobility in Rome nowadays and over the last 25 years, looking at new ideas and strategies for integrating urban spaces.

  • 04 Octobre 2019

    VDP exhibitor at REMTECH 2019
    VDP exhibitor at REMTECH 2019

    Also in 2019, great commitment by VDP at RemTech, permanent international event specializing in remediation, environmental and natural risks, land regeneration, climate change and circular chemistry, which took place this year from 18 to 20 September in Ferrara.

    VDP participated as exhibitor within the “OICE Island” and intervened in two interesting moments of discussion.
    The first, “Environmental sustainability and procurement rules” coordinated by Eng. Ventura, OICE board member with responsibility for the environment, and with the speech of Arch. Sonia Occhi, PM in VDP.
    The second “Smart Ports National Conference” with the sppech of Arch. SIlvia Martorana, PM in VDP and member of the Environment Working Group at OICE. 

  • 10 July 2019

    Georgia-Italy Business Forum
    Georgia-Italy Business Forum

    VDP took part in the Georgia-Italy Business Forum organized in Tbilisi last July 4th by Agenzia ITA, OICE, ANCE.

    The Forum has been an important opportunity of dialogue with leading Georgian representatives including the Deputy Prime Minister, the Minister of Economy and Executives of Public Bodies and Municipalities.

    There have been also meetings with representatives of the main IFIs operating in the country and B2B with local companies, to strengthen relationship for the numerous opportunities offered by the dynamic infrastructural development of the country.

    Mr. Ventura participated as OICE Chief of Delegation, also signing a Memorandum of Understanding with the Georgian Association of Engineers.

    As part of a work table dedicated to infrastructures, VDP presented the Report developed by the working group OICE on Smart Cities in front of an audience of Italian and Georgian companies and Representatives of the Institutions of the Country.

  • 09 May 2019

    VDP in the “Sustainability Map”
    VDP in the “Sustainability Map”

    VDP has been included in the “Sustainability Map”: the first screenshot of responsible companies in Italy. The initiative, conceived by the CSRnatives network and coordinated by Koinètica, highlight the companies that have started a path of sustainability in the different Italian regions.
    To be included in the Map, which includes about 400 Italian companies, a minimum number of indicators and performances in the areas of “Business Ethics and Governance”, “Environment”, “People” has to be fulfilled.
    The Map, together with in-depth information on the Project, can be consulted at the following link:


  • 21 February 2019

    Meeting at Italian Embassy to the Holy See
    Meeting at Italian Embassy to the Holy See

    Mr. Francesco Ventura at the Italian Embassy to the Holy See on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the signing of the Lateran Pacts.

  • 12 February 2019

    VDP in Israel
    VDP in Israel

    VDP took part at OICE business mission in Tel Aviv-Israel. “Building together Italy&Israel”, to enhance business relationship and open to new market and opportunities.

  • 07 January 2019

    VDP in Belgrade for the event "Building together. Italy&Serbia"
    VDP in Belgrade for the event

    VDP took part at the event “Building together. Italy&Serbia.” on 4th and 5th 2018 December in Belgrade. 2 days of meetings, panels by Government and IFIs representatives, B2B with new potential partners in the sector of Transport infrastructures, Environment and Energy.